Pregnancy Tests

If you have had unprotected sex or have missed your period, you might be wondering if you are pregnant. The first thing you may want to do is take a pregnancy test. We offer lab-quality pregnancy tests at our center at no cost.
Please note, our center does not perform nor refer for abortions.

Limited OB Ultrasound (Restrictions Apply)

When you have a positive pregnancy test at Pregnancy & Wellness Maui, this is an indication that you are likely pregnant. To confirm your pregnancy, we offer a free limited obstetrical ultrasound with our Medical Doctor for qualified clients. This will determine how far along you are, if the pregnancy is in the uterus, and if there is a heartbeat.

Getting a lab-quality pregnancy test and an ultrasound are the first steps you can take in making informed choices for your health.
We require that you have a pregnancy test with us before you receive an ultrasound. If you are under a doctor’s care, your doctor will perform an ultrasound for you.
Please note, our center does not perform nor refer for abortions.

Pregnancy Options Counseling

An unplanned pregnancy can be scary and confusing. If you aren’t sure how to handle being pregnant or don’t know what to do, one of our caring client advocates can help you understand your options. We want you to be informed of all of your pregnancy options.

You may want information on abortion, the abortion pill, adoption, how to find a medical doctor etc. It is very important that women receive accurate information in a safe environment. We are here to answer your questions and direct you to the appropriate resources. Please note, our center does not perform nor refer for abortions. We are committed to providing medically accurate information regarding them to assist you in your decision making process.

Material Assistance

We understand that with a new baby comes the need for material resources such as diapers and bottles. We are happy to help supply you with what you need as you begin this new journey into parenthood.

Post-Abortion Support

Abortion is a life-changing decision. It is important to know that there is no right way to feel after your abortion. Some men and women feel immediate relief, others feel guilt or regret, and others may feel nothing. All your feelings are valid. Some women may experience negative feelings weeks, months, or years later.

No matter where you are in this journey or what emotions you may be experiencing, we are here to help you find the peace and healing you deserve. At Pregnancy & Wellness Maui, we offer a free Christian support group, called Surrendering the Secret, as a safe, non-judgmental place for you to discuss your experience and find hope and healing in your recovery journey.



We use BrightCourse, a subscription-based video-streaming service to empower you to learn about topics such as:

  • Labor & Delivery
  • Infant care
  • Infant/child development
  • Successful family living
  • Healthy relationships
  • Success at work
  • Anger management
  • Budgeting 101
And more! Make an appointment today for a free consultation to discuss all of your learning options. Give us a call at 808-280-5810.

Support and Education for Dads

Becoming a father is a big deal, and we’re here for you too, dads! Learn more about her needs, and get support for what you’re experiencing as an expectant father. Join us for a 7-class series called The Fatherhood Adventure! Learn about:
  • Taking care of her during pregnancy
  • Taking care of her during birth
  • Taking care of her postpartum
  •  Baby care basics
Are you already on the fatherhood adventure and realizing that your children didn’t come with a user manual and the tools you have aren’t working as well as you’d hoped? That’s okay! We’ve all been there. Join us for a 8-class series called Being a Father. Learn about:
  • Being a role model
  • Being a leader
  • Being consistent
  • Discipline
  • And much, much more!
You’re not alone and you don’t have to figure this out on your own. We’re here for you as you work to take care of your family and raise healthy children. Call us to set up an appointment 808-280-5810

Parenting The Love and Logic Way

Do you have older children and find yourself:

Arguing over homework?
Bribing kids to do chores and behave?
Fighting with kids over their devices?
Constantly playing referee?
Feeling like you must yell to be heard?

You’re not alone and you can do this!

Imagine a calmer, happier home free from yelling, nagging, guilt, and frustration – filled with learning, caring, and mutual respect. Learn practical tools to achieve a more connected and loving relationship with your children of any age. These classes are led by an experienced Parenting with Love and Logic facilitator.

Community Resources

At Pregnancy & Wellness Maui, our services don’t end with the ones we provide within our center. We understand that every person’s needs are unique and every situation is different. We provide referrals to other community resources and agencies that can help with services beyond the ones that we provide.


“They have so many resources for women who are expecting and for their babies. They value both people and do whatever they can to help. The doctor who does the ultrasound to confirm pregnant takes time with you more than the OBs offices. You are able to see your baby and they will address any fears or concerns you have.”

Mikaela Jimenez

5-Star Review