Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

If you think you might be pregnant, you likely have many
questions running through your head. We can help.

A missed period is the most common sign but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant. Some common pregnancy symptoms are:

A missed period is the most common sign but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant. Some common pregnancy symptoms are:

  • Tender or swollen breasts
  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tiredness
  • Lightheadedness or fainting
  • Backaches or cramping
  • Mood swings
  • Food cravings or aversions
  • Darkening of the nipples

The Pregnancy & Wellness Maui Center can provide you with a free pregnancy test. You will have the results during your appointment.

Here’s some quick advice that may be of benefit to you right now:

The Do’s

  • Listen. The situation involves more than just you.
  • There are now three lives to think about.
  • Stay Calm. She needs your support now more than ever. She may be carrying the baby, but you are BOTH parents, and regardless of your relationship in the future, that baby needs you too.
  • Talk about it – not only with each other but prepare to talk with parents and others close to the situation. Hiding the news from people who can genuinely help you only increases the stress.
  • Gather the facts. Get all the information and seek wise counsel so you can make the best decision for you both.
  • Express yourself honestly – it’s normal to have feelings of anger, frustration, and fear. But make sure she knows she is not alone.

The Don’ts

  • Don’t bail. The more you run from this, the harder it becomes to think and act clearly.
  • Don’t pressure her. Applying pressure will only push her away, possibly into a regretful situation. Both of you would do well to work as a team.
  • Don’t forget. You have a very active role in this situation. Listen to input as well as give your thoughts.

    Pregnancy & Wellness Maui is here to offer help and hope to you as well as to the woman carrying your child. Please call us for a free confidential appointment at 808-281-5810.

Call us today to schedule a confidential appointment at 808-280-5810.


Reference: Information on this page is gathered from referenced and reviewed articles on the Mayo Clinic website.
The information on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling, medical or prenatal care.

Please note, Pregnancy & Wellness Maui does not perform nor refer for abortions.